
I am a Malaysian Breastfeeding Peer Counselor

I am a Malaysian Breastfeeding Peer Counselor
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Monday, November 23, 2009

Managing Sore Nipple during Breastfeeding

Ingat nak translate, tapi tak larat lak. So aku copy paste dari buletin Baiboo.

Developing sore nipples during breastfeeding are caused by a number of reasons, but they are easily managed and treated. However, before treating the pain, it is important to determine the cause of the soreness which then enables treatment of the root problem to prevent recurring soreness.

1. Make sure baby is latching properly
When you are new to breastfeeding, latching issues can lead to sore nipples. The baby’s mouth has to be opened wide enough, and the baby in a good position to take the breast into mouth. One way to tell if your baby has a proper latch is to look and see how much of the areola (the dark-skin area of your breast) is covered by your baby’s mouth. Ideally, it should be most of the areola, leaving only a thin ring of darkened skin visible. Nursing mothers should experiment with positions to find the ones that work best for them and their babies, or consult a midwife or lactation consultant.

2.Initial Breastfeeding Soreness
During the first couple of weeks of breastfeeding, there will be some soreness of the nipples – this is due to the friction of your baby’s tongue against your nipples which can leave them feeling raw. As long as you are breastfeeding with good technique, this tenderness will eventually fade on its own as your nipples toughen up.

3.Cracked nipples
This is usually an indication of poor breastfeeding technique. In most cases, your baby isn’t taking in enough of the areola and is only suckling on the nipple. Sometimes it might be due to unusual anatomy within your baby’s mouth, for instance a tied tongue. Getting someone experienced in breastfeeding to check will help you determine the exact cause if you aren’t sure.

4. Infections
Infections such as thrush can also cause sore nipples. Thrush is a type of yeast infection that babies can sometimes get in their mouths. If the baby has it, the infection may be passed to the mother and affect her nipples. Look into your baby’s mouth – if she has thrush, there is white coating in her mouth, and you should seek medical treatment immediately. The mother should also see a doctor for medication.

5. Teething Baby
When your baby begins teething, you may experience something similar to the initial soreness you felt when you first started breastfeeding. This only occurs with the eruption of the upper front teeth since the lower front teeth are covered by your baby’s tongue during breastfeeding. The sensitivity usually goes away quickly as long as your baby isn’t using your nipple as a teething ring.

When this happens, it is important to educate your baby that biting is not acceptable. If your baby bites, simply put away your breast and stop the feed. Your baby will soon get the message. Usually when your baby starts biting your nipple, it is a good indication that the actual feeding part is over and that your baby is just nursing for comfort or playing.

The Remedy
If technique is what is causing the soreness, your first step would be to perfect and correct your breastfeeding technique. Speak to experienced mothers, or seek advice from midwives and lactation consultants.
Avoid using soap to clean your breasts. Soap can dry skin and contribute to soreness and cracking of nipples. Warm water alone is enough to clean, and then allowing it to air dry. Alternatively, applying a little breast milk onto the nipples after every feed can be helpful.
Apply barrier ointment on the affected nipple and don’t wipe it off. There are brands which double as barrier ointment for nappy rash and also for nipple soreness, safe for both baby and mother.
If nursing becomes too uncomfortable, try expressing milk from the affected side until it heals sufficiently.
You can also try nursing on the unaffected side first before switching your baby to the affected side as your baby usually suckles less vigorously on the second breast which shouldn’t hurt as much.

Another option is to use nipple shields. These are plastic coverings that cover your nipples and provide a barrier against the friction of baby’s tongue on raw nipples.

Source : Baiboo Newsletter 

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